Here I go again.
Only a couple of weeks ago I started to Blog the events of my horrible ordeal concerning Bassetlaws Ian Crate.
The timing was impecable as the news of Crates blunders were eventually brought to light.
I am one of his cases but after years of hospital admittances, operations, rejections, persecution, labelling, insults downright prejudice and misdiagnosis, I am as yet, untreated.
While waiting for a tummy tuck and more because of quite drastic weight loss, I was referred to Bassetlaw for a Psyciatric assessment to OK my mental health for the ensuing operation.
My records show that there was NO REASON to preclude me from having the operation.
In the meantime some other physical pathology had evolved in my body which needed investigation so I was reffered again, but this time to the CRATE TEAM - to Mr. Muen.
Expecting a quick diagnosis, I was horrified to be pre-judged as a PYSCOSOMATIC before being PHYSICALLY
I complained about Mr. Muens UPSETTING diagnosis to Ian Crate, explaining my symptons in GRAPHIC detail,
only to find that Crate was much worse than MUEN.
What followed was an unbelievable and unending nightmare senario which has YET to be concluded by surgery.
Ian Crate hogs limelight once again as the LUCKY ONES rally round him with their support !

Yes I remember the Marsdens well. They used to own a TV shop in our village (Bircotes)
I am happy that Lorna Marsden is one of Ian Crates success stories. Unfortunately it doesent change my own situation.
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