Tuesday, 4 November 2008

C.T. Scan - Reliable or not ?


I've just had a visitor from Bombay to my Blog and it jolted my memory back to a C.T Scan I had a few years ago.

I had already had about 10 Ultrasound Scans to search for anything growing in my urinary tract.

During each Ultra Scan my abdomen was very distended.

I told each nurse that I was BURSTING for the toilet but was told,

" You can't be. Look, your bladder is absolutely EMPTY. "

Nevertheless, after each and every Ultrasound Scan I would hobble to the loo and extinguish a TORRENT from my bladder.

Therefore - if my bladder WAS measuring EMPTY when indeed it was FAR from empty,
WHERE was the urine coming from ?
OR - you could query - WHAT were they scanning ?

Some time after this, and after a barrage of insults and rejections, a COMPETENT Urologist diagnosed my symptoms to be the result of a URETAL STONE ( left ureter )

He conferred with the OTHER Urologist who previously appeared to have no time for me and I was sent for my very first C.T. Scan.

The COMPETENT Urologist assured me that this type of scan shows up EVERYTHING.

My pre-scan letter advised me not to eat for at least 2 hours before I had the scan.

Round about this deadline I threw some fruit scones together, baked and buttered them,  then threw them down the hatch . . . .the hatch of doom and gloom, because EVERYTHING that enters my mouth results in terrible symptoms of Food Intolerance.

I thought that because they had raisins in them (which greatly adds to my yeast and sugar problem) that they would digest much faster and hopefully be well on their way through my
digestive tract before my C.T. Scan.
Apparently NOT.

A nurse came through to me while I lay on the bed and asked me -

" Excuse me love, but have you had anything to eat this morning ? "

I said - " Yes - but it was more than 2 hours ago. "

" WHY " I asked excitedly.


She replied,

" Oh no love. We just wondered what those round things are.
They must be your raisins from your scones "

What a bummer.

I was disheartened yet again.

Then I was advised to wait for the results.

I had a sinking feeling that I KNEW what the Consultant Urologist was going to say during my consultation with him. I had always felt that HE didn't have time for me, didn't like me and believed what was on my records, instead of treating me according to my symptoms - just as the other Urologist had done.

So, cutting a VERY long story short.

The conclusion of my C.T. Scan.


Well actually it did show something.
Apparently my RAISINS.
Maybe they obscured the STONE.
Maybe a stone was misdiagnosed as a RAISIN - who knows.

Either way the Consultant Urologist didn't want to get into ANY conversation with me as
I ATTEMPTED to relay my symptoms to him.

So I went home absolutely demoralised.

I KNEW - I KNEW - I JUST KNEW that something had badly changed and taken root in my body and was astounded at the total lack of interest or care from this particular Consultant.

That night I cried and cried and sometimes told myself,

" Maybe it IS in your mind Alena "
" They haven't found it after all these years "

I cried and searched through my Bible for answers,
frantically flicking through the pages, believing God would reveal some insight to me.
Some logical perspective - but NONE.

It was one of those ' FEELING FORSAKEN moments.
I had also just recently lost my sister as well.

Then in utter desperation I cried out to God in tears and self-doubt .......


Then in an instant I flung down my Bible, and roughly snatched the TV Remote and FLICKED it on hard and fast - tears still rolling.

It was midnight and the next programme was JUST beginning.

My mouth dropped open as I heard the presenter say.


It all happened in a flash - the praying -
the despondency with my expectations from Gods Word,
the flicking on of the TV and then the ANSWER.

I sat memorized with a tear-stained face and
KNEW from the BOTTOM of my heart that Gods timing was truly perfect.

The icing on the cake was about the Indian man -
I think a Bombay man ( but not quite sure )

A 36 year old man who had carried around with him ALL his life -
a very distended abdomen.
He was a very slight man - skinny even and he looked quite abnormal with his pregnant shaped belly.

Like me, he was mocked and ridiculed by family, so called friends, colleagues etc.

At 36 years old he was rushed into hospital in terrible pain.
Doctors were baffled.
He was a mystery.
His C.T Scan showed NOTHING -
just like mine (apart from my raisins)

Thank God the Doctor had something about him because he didn't let Technology rule his thinking.

The C.T. Scan had failed to show anything but the man STILL experienced the same awful symptoms and just like myself - his abdomen was well and truly distended.

So the Surgeon decided to GO IN - with the knife.

He said that after cutting through the flesh and muscle - etc, he was hindered by a very tough membrane. But he persevered and suddenly he felt a hand - with long nails and long hair.
He said it felt as if it had grabbed him. It made him jump but he had to carry on.
Then the mystery - NOT a psychosomatic notion - was unveiled.

The patient had, by a freak of nature, been carrying his BROTHER in his abdomen ALL HIS LIFE.

The surgeon said that he was astounded - he just couldn't believe it.
It was a first for him.

The scan had missed it because of the mass of fluid surrounding it.

It showed up on the scan as a BLACK MASS - concealing everything else.

So when I cried to God in despair . . .

" Lord HOW can the Scan MISS IT " . . . . . .

Lo and behold - There was my answer.

Because THEY CAN.

Thank you Lord !

Alenas Arts


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