Blogging is easy when you're not in constant pain.
These remarks are coming from a certified Hypochondriac.
Been in terrible pain today.
There has been swelling within the swelling in my left side.
(Well - I WAS diagnosed with a Stone in the left Ureter by a non-prejudice Urologist many years ago).
This swelling has been STINGING so bad ALL DAY LONG.
The pain has brought tears to the eyes of this Hypochondriac but years ago a former CPN assured me that before I get proper care, I would have to be rushed into A&E in AGONY!
Pain's not enough!
It's got to be AGONY for my Medical Enemies to see what they've overlooked all these years.
I used to be so fit and healthy at 40- ish and I revelled in it . . . losing almost 6 stone and being at my most leanest, fittest, muscliest I had ever been and have gone from THIS ~
to this
. . . . . ugly fat face not included !
The swelling started in the top of my left leg and graduated to my lower pelvic area and pubic bone.
I was treated with antibiotics for reoccurring Pelvic infections but even though the medication cleared the infections, it seemed to FEED a lump.
Then the Food Intolerance started and I felt like I had been poisoned.
I couldn't stand up when I ate Yogurt, Marmite, Brewers Yeast and sometimes Bread.
I recognised the YEAST connection but was very naïve about Yeast Infections and related conditions.
I couldn't help but notice what certain foods were doing but I eventually realized that YEAST was the main culprit and before long Sugar joined the queue, then eventually every kind of food and drink.
I developed a noticeable bump in my pelvic area that no amount of walking or exercise would flatten or remove.
Prior to all these alien symptoms I successfully lost weight by following Weight Watchers ~ but I didn't attend the meetings ~ I did it from home because I had developed serious Agoraphobia.
I learned about Pelvic Floor Exercises and got stuck into to them before this condition racked my body.
I told Midwives about the pain and a feeling of my womb hanging down in 1997 then 3 months after the birth of my daughter in 1998 - 15 1/2 years ago, I was examined during a LATE Post Natal examination (my fault) but the Doc said that she couldn't find any abnormality and praised me to high-heaven for the weight-loss and sent me off for a Tummy Tuck and other corrective surgery.
Now thinner than my 2 eldest daughters, and with the equivalent of an AIR-BRUSHED stomach, I was in vanity heaven.
My hours of power-walking, weight-lifting, press-ups,
rowing and pelvic exercises had paid off - but left me with an ugly sheath of hanging skin.
I was Okayed as MENTALLY SOUND for the big op, but as my symptoms worsened, surgery was put on hold while I was further investigated - but things didn't go plain sailing AT ALL and I found myself in the hands of prejudice, uncaring, authoritive, belligerent Doctors and Consultants ~ Medical Goliaths who ate me whole and spat me out.
In my distress, I turned to God and my Bible and eventually I received revelation after revelation.
I believed it then and I believe it now that God showed me that I had a Stone in my left ureter BEFORE diagnosis, and that I would be Medically neglected but later return to the Urologist who had rejected the Stone (the one which had been seen on my CT scan and identified as a suspected raisin by the nurse doing the scan).
Can you imagine how that will sound in Court ?
I had already told my GP in faith before diagnosis that I believe that God had showed me what the problem was and that is why she sent me to Urology.
I believe that God revealed to me years ago that I would go through this awful valley later on in life and how I encountered this will be revealed in my book -
" Can I interest You in a Fungus Lord ? "
The very reason for this Blog.
As my pain and disability become more severe and with the backing of my new CPN and Occupational Therapist, this illness will come to a head and the prejudice and negligence of my persecutors will be revealed.
This Medical borough have already paid out thousands due to their Medical Negligence.
I can't wait for it all to end so that I can be whole again and be a physically capable (widowed) mum to my 2 bereaved teenagers.
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