Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Been a long time since I posted because there's been nothing new to report on this illness.
On my last visit to the Docs over 2 years ago I was told that my symptoms were . . . . . . . . . .

 " Ridiculous in the world of medicine. "

Where has this Doctor been ?

I was diagnosed with a stone in my left ureter around 1999/2000 according to my valid and obvious symptoms - and then again - a few years later.

Even though there was (and still is) obstruction, massive swelling, massive weight gain, severe food intolerance (starting with yeast then sugar and so on) continuous pain, disability, stroke level high blood pressure, constant urinating, sleepless nights and much much more ~ my symptoms have been ignored.

This has been a way of life for a number of years.

Several Ultrasound scans revealed nothing but a dry bladder even though it was bursting to overflowing and I'd always pass volumes of water immediately after each scan.

My physical changes and disability have been verbalized by several nurses and medical staff but dismissed by an array of prejudice Doctors.

Some small things were seen on my CT scan but presumed to be 'nothing' or 'possibly food.'

Prejudism was obvious from the start - long before all the investigations and

I was labelled a Hypochondriac at 9 years old on my medical records and this has been the bane of my life.

This illness started with an itch 14 1/2 years ago and has never been concluded because of this labelling.

Around 1999/2000  I was okayed as 'mentally stable' for corrective surgery but later diagnosed with hypochondriasis ~ due to medical negligence because it was suggested that further physical investigations would be carried out but they wern't and I should have been listened to - but I wasn't.
Instead I was insulted both verbally and in writing.

I am a Christian who very much believes in Gods reality and am in no doubt that He is on my side.
Over 25 years ago He showed me that I would suffer later on in life and eventually have to be rushed into Bassetlaw Hospital with labour pains (even though I have no womb) ~ back to those who have neglected and persecuted me.
The labour pains would be due to Urinary Blockage.

God told me more than 25 years before any of this began that I would be ill, persecuted, healed, vindicated and compensated.

He said I would be surrounded by enemies (medical and other) but that He would not only deliver me from them but heal me via the urologist who neglected me and compensate me for years of suffering and negligence.

If I had relied on man to be my help and intervention I am sure I would have felt suicidal, but I thank I God that I can say without reservation that He has NEVER EVER let me down ~ whether short trial or long trial.

Calvary is my rubbish dump!

By prayer - bringing all my stuff to Him - to the Cross and leaving it /dumping it with HIM, God showed up in amazing ways and revealed how He has a plan for my life and how He will fulfil it.

Unexpectedly, out of the blue, He taught me about Yeast problems (how to starve it) The Yeast Sugar Endemetriosis Hormone link and Hormone fed problems.
He revealed to me that I needed and would have a hysterectomy
Shortly after this unexpected revelation , which He confirmed 4 times, I did have one in Doncaster Hospital.

This situation is awful and it seems like it will never end but He showed me that in 2012 it will end ~ shortly after I am 54.

Last September, fed up with the whole ordeal, I asked Him,

" How much longer Lord ? "
My Bible was open (at random) on my knee and the first words I saw were -


This lines up with former revelations about the ilness lasting 15 years and ending when I am 54 in 2012.

After the urologist gave me the negative CT scan report I boldly reassured him -  in faith -  that one day he would have my PLUMBLINE in his hand, operating it on it.

Obviously this sounds ludicrous to the carnal mind ~ to those who haven't experienced the love and presence of Jesus Christ in their life but to me, hearing from God (in different ways) is the absolute norm.

Years ago I cried out to Him to heal the pain in my groin and expressed my anxiety about how yeasted products were making me suffer.

I randomly opened my Bible and the first thing I saw was about yeasted products. . . . . .Deuteronomy 29:6 . .

   I did this so that you may know I am the Lord your God "

I had addressed a yeast problem to Him and He spoke back to me about REFRAINING FROM YEAST !

He didn't heal me immediately as I expected him to, but began to guide me in the valley of affliction starting with instructions about Yeast problems and a Yeast Free, Sugar Free Diet
This was the beginning of an amazing journey of Gods guidance and revelation about the horrible years that lay ahead.

I asked my daughter to get some information from College but she couldn't get what I asked for. Instead she brought me a book about Allergies, Viruses and Fungus's ~

A Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Food Intolerance 

She had no idea that this book was just what I needed to help me to understand what was happening to me.
She couldn' have chosen a better book.
It was one of many answers to prayer.
It didn't cure me but it helped me to understand about my intolerance to Food, Medication, Toiletries. Herbs and even Water.
This book reassured me that I wasn't the phsycotic hypochondriac that Doctors had portrayed me to be.

My physical distortions and disability were enough for a small minority of medical staff and GP administrators to recognise there was indeed something wrong.

Rolling about my sofa in pain holding my groin and reading the book,  I started laughing my head off as I heard myself say to Jesus .......


It was the funniest thing I had heard in a long time and I was in stitches.


I said . . . . .


(about the problem - that is)

I believed then that ONE DAY was very close, but I was wrong.
It was years away.
God only reveals what we can cope with at any given time.
He knows I couldn't have coped with long term bad news.

For instance - losing my 20 year old niece and 2 years later my 47 year old sister (her mum).

After the death of my sister, my (then) CPN, suggested I invest in my very first PC especially after the new GP's had me down as a mental case and failed to support my new DLA Claim.
Thanks to them I lost £396 per month.
One Doctor told me how big I was and to get running around the field to ' GET SOME WEIGHT OFF '

I had manged to successfully do just that prior to the development of this illness - losing almost 6 stones, but then I began to swell and gain weight horrendously after the yeast problem started - doubling in size.
This Doctor didn't give me the time of day at all and all my appeals to the DLA and Medical Services fell on deaf ears.

Soon, a fully fledged PC user, I was blogging about my Medical Moan.

Deep down in the valley where all else failed - Doctors, family, fellow Christians, loved ones, medication, it was just me and Jesus and I would NOT have had it any other way.

He kept showing up and answering questions I never knew I had.

I HATE this trial but He fulfilled every promise He proclaimed while on this earth.

To never leave me or forsake me.
To answer when I call.
To be with me in trouble and deliver me from it.
To be with me to the very end.

He has shown Himself to be more than just a faithful, loving and Holy God.
He is funny and FULL of surprises.

I love Him dearly and I KNOW He loves me.

I eventually realised throughout all the rejection and physical pain, that writing my book is undoubtedly Gods will.
I believe the title was given to me by the Holy Spirit and is His idea and His blueprint for my life.

It will help others in my situation when Doctors say . . . . . . . . . .

" Your Symptoms Sound Ridiculous in The World of Medicine ! "

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