these Blunder Victims,
but after 11 years
am still waiting to
be treated surgically
(My story further down)

I started to report my symptoms to midwives in 1997 as I felt as if my WOMB was falling out.
Apparently it wasn't but it certainly felt like it was.
I had also, for the very first time in my life, begun to experience terrible Food and Chemical Intolerance.
That was more than 11 years ago !
During my second, fourth and fifth pregnancies I suffered with terrible GROIN and PELVIC pain and became Disabled.At the age of 39 I achieved great weight loss the fit and healthy way and was applauded by a nice female Doctor and sent for a Tummy Tuck.
After being okayed by a Psychiatrist for Plastic Surgery, the op was placed on hold while the physical problem was investigated.
Under the Crate Team I was IMMEDIATELY treated as a Hypochondriac, BEFORE any physical examination.
I wrote to Crate about the demoralizing consultation with his understudy, but Crate was far worse than my worst nightmare. He raised his voice and abruptly scolded me, accusing me of diagnosing myself with Cancer even though the word had NOT even crossed my mind.
I had no idea that an intolerance to YEAST and SUGAR or any other foodstuffs or chemicals, had any relation to Cancer whatsoever.
That day he educated me.
I insisted that I had recently been A-Okayed by the Psychiatrist for a tummy tuck after drastic weight loss.
I was on no medication yet this team treated me with the most insulting and damaging indifference.
Severe Food Intolerance, Pain and eventually Disability dictated my life and I was informally diagnosed by a lovely lady GP as maybe having a STONE.
A Community Psychiatric Nurse was sent to me to help with my Agoraphobia but was so taken up with my PHYSICAL problem that he asked if we could put the Agoraphobia ' on hold ' while he tried to help me to get Bassetlaw Hospital to get to the bottom of my physical illness and disability.
YEARS later, after many investigative ' oscopies ', scans, tests and a Hysterectomy, eventually I was diagnosed with a STONE IN THE LEFT URETA but the Consultant Urologist confirmed that the CT Scan failed to show it up, I was once again discarded and sent to The Psychiatrist.
Both HIM and several GP 's told me to deny my symptoms and refused to listen to me AT ALL.
I am no further down the line under the Blunderful team that I had the misfortune to come into contact with.
In effect I have been diagnosed with a GROWTH in my Left Ureta and as it has been ignored and rejected throughout the years, it has caused all manner of awful symptoms.I suffer terrible FERMENTATION, although I don't drink alcohol AT ALL.
I am in constant pain.
I urinate ALL night long. It is relentless.
Drinking WATER actually DRIES my mouth out.My fingers, toes and heels SPLIT OPEN when I eat and several parts of my body endure painful swelling.I am unable to engage in all manner of activity because of an obstruction and a great mass of abdominal and pelvic swelling.
The damming diagnosis of the Psychiatrist caused a knock on effect and prompted my then GP to refuse to support my Disability Living Allowance Claim, of which I had been in receipt of for a number of years. As a result my Income dropped by £99 per week. The GP was unmoved.
Her exact words to me in response to BOTH my PHYSICAL complaint and my DLA support was...........
A few comments by one of my Psychiatric supporters:
- Trashed and thrown to one side as if you are not worth dealing with
- Severely patronized and treated as if you are not worth spending ANY money on
- Disliked because you are intelligent
- Persecuted because of an unfair label on your medical notes as a child
- You will certainly be WELL compensated when it all comes to light

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